The Small Group Classes we run are designed to work together to build a skilled, strong, supple, co-ordinated, conditioned, well rounded body.

We have four types of classes to get involved with…

  • Strength & Conditioning - 2 types

    • (Power & Strength)

    • (Strength Endurance & Work Capacity)

  • Movement & Mobility

  • Conditioning Circuits

  • Calisthenics

It’s important to us to keep the classes small and manageable. It makes for a better training experience and we want to Coach attentively and deliver high quality, enjoyable training sessions.

Below is the Class Timetable and some info. about the classes…


Power & Strength training is where you build robustness and explosiveness into your body. This style of training is often characterised by lifting heavier loads for fewer reps, performing fast explosive movements, and taking plenty of rest between sets.

Power & Strength training will…

  • Increase Strength - Our training will make you stronger! You’ll be able to pick up heavier things and move them with less effort.

  • Improve Joint Stability - Training with heavier loads builds strength around your joints, improving their robustness and stability. You will be better at taking knocks, and dealing with injury.

  • Improve Athletic Performance - Many sports and many athletic activities require the body to produce high levels of muscular strength and power. Whether that be throwing a punch in Boxing or sticking a hold in Climbing, training for strength and power will help your performance.



For many, movement & mobility training is a few 10 second stretches before diving into the “proper” training session. Unfortunately, movement & mobility is often an afterthought to other forms of training, but it shouldn’t be. Regular movement & mobility practice will help you move better, with more suppleness and control, giving you greater freedom in movement.

Movement & Mobility will…

  • Improve Proprioception and Kinaesthetic Awareness - Simply put, this is about developing a feel and understanding of how your body is moving (or staying still) in relation to itself and the space around it.

  • Improve movement skills such as Balance, Co-ordination, Bracing & Relaxation - Moving and movements are skills. The bigger your movement library is, and the better those skills are, the better you’ll be at styling out from unexpected slips, trips, or knocks. You’ll also be better at dealing with all the movement chaos experienced in sports or other athletic pursuits.

  • Improve Passive & Active Flexibility - Having range of movement around joints with the strength to control it is Mobility. It’s the key to moving freely. Training both passive and active flexibility is how you achieve it.



Our Calisthenics classes are born out of a love for the practice.

When people get into Calisthenics they see Planche, Human Flag, Hand Balancing and all these incredible shapes and movements.

The great thing about this journey is that you develop excellent body awareness, skill, strength and mobility as you work towards those moves.

Calisthenics training will…

  • Develop Kinaesthetic Awareness - Kinaesthetic Awareness is the awareness of how your body moves in relation to itself and the space around it.

  • Improve Body Control - Practicing Calisthenics will dial in co-ordination and control of movement and bracing of the body.

  • Build a crazy strong Core - The core is at the core of many movements and static positions. Whether it be the actives of daily life or skilled movements in Sports and Activity, training Calisthenics strengthens the core like nothing else.

  • Improved Mobility - To perform certain moves in Calisthenics you need a blend of both strength and flexibility (mobility). As your practice advances your mobility will improve as you continue down the rabbit hole!




Our Conditioning Circuits class is great for its vibe and variety of exercises.

Because of the varied movements and the timing protocol, this session serves as a good all round general conditioning on which to be build more specific training and fitness on.

Conditioning Circuits will…

  • Develop solid General Physical Prep (GPP) - GPP is techy Sport Science speak for developing baseline fitness and your intrinsic movement library, on which to build more sport / activity specific training on.

  • Increase Work Capacity - The Circuit involves 10 stations with 1min Work : 30sec Rest Intervals. By training in this way you’ll improve cardiovascular fitness, push anaerobic threshold, and muscular conditioning enabling you to work harder for longer.

  • Increase Rates of Recovery - Because of the timing protocol the body doesn’t get a chance to fully recover between stations. Regular sessions will force your body to adapt to recover more efficiently.



Strength Endurance training is where you’ll feel the “burn” of exercising. It is often characterised by lifting moderately heavy loads for more reps and longer durations, as well as having shorter recovery times.

Strength Endurance and Work Capacity training will…

  • Increase Work Capacity - You will become you stronger for longer! You’ll be able to pick up heavy things repeatedly over longer durations.

  • Improve Metabolic Efficiencies - Through training you will improve your ability to buffer “the burn” (lactate) and improve other metabolic processes involved in short to medium term energy production and availability.

  • Improve Athletic Performance - Many sports and athletic pursuits require an ability to produce force at moderate to high intensities over distance, time, or multiple reps. In the real world it translates to things like hiking up a hill faster without feeling as blown out.